13. 4. 2012.

Serbia Tourist Destinations


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The Belgrade City Tour is organized guided tour by coach and walking. The coach follows a route along the broad avenues of New Belgrade, past the Sava Congress Centre, where many important international conferences have been held. You will be enter the old town crossing ex Yugoslavia's longest river, the Sava, over "Gazela" Bridge, and will ten proceed along the shady streets of the section of town known as Dedinje, where many foreign embassies have their residences. Other sights include the White King's Palace, Tito's memorial, football stadiums Red Star and Partizan. The National Library of Serbia, the statue of Karadjordje, and the largest Orthodox church on the Balkan, St. Sava Church. Vehicle turns to the downtown area via Slavija square, passing Federal Parliament building, Pioneer Park, City Assembly and Terazije square, reaching via Old Stambol road to entrance of the Kalemegdan fortress. 

OPLENAC (Topola) - Half day tour (optional with lunch)
The little town of Topola, 56 km south of Belgrade, was the home of the leader of the First Serbian Uprising (1804) Djordje Petrovic - Karadjordje. He had the Church of the Holly Virgin built there as his endowment in 1813 and its frescoes were painted by his brave army commander, Petar Nikolajevic - Moler. All that remains of Karadjordje's citadel is his residence with a tower and the church bell tower. A portion of the residence has been restored and now houses a museum exhibition of Karadjordje. Outside the building stands bronze cannon, nicknamed Aberdar (the herald), which was cast in 1812 in Belgrade. One of the levers of the cannon was broken off and melted down to make the crown with which King Petar I Karadjordjevic was crowned in 1904. King Petar I, Karadjordje's grandson, decided to build the Church of St. George on the hill of Oplenac, which dominates the surroundings. Work on the church was begun in 1910, and the church was finally completed in 1930. Its interior is completely covered in mosaics which depict 725 scenes, with some 1.500 figures, copied from the frescoes of 660 medieval Serbian monasteries and churches. There are two sarcophaguses in the church containing the remains of Karadjordje (1762-1817) and the church's donor King Petar I (1844-1921). In the crypt are buried King Alexandar I of Yugoslavia (1888-1934) who was assassinated in Marseilles in 1934 and 16 other members of the dynasty. Topola is well known for its vineyards and top quality wines. There is large wine cellar at Oplenac.

Topola is the ancestral home of the Karadjordjevic royal family, and together with Karadjordjev Grad and the hill Oplenac it is the site of landmarks belonging to the Karadjordjevic heritage.
Karadjordjev Grad embraces: a church, built in 1806 by Karadjordje, where in 1819 his bodily remains were transferred and buried for the second time by the order of Prince Milos, a monument to Karadjordje, and a museum of his time.
In Oplenac, the feature landmark is a marble church dedicated to St. Djordje, built from 1910 to 1934. The patrons were King Petar I and King Aleksandar Karadjordjevic I. The tombs of both patrons, the other members of the Karadjordjevic family, and Karadjordje are in this church. This was the third burial place for Karadjordje's remains, which were transferred in 1930. The walls are entirely decorated in mosaics, whose size makes this church second in the world in this respect, and priceless in value.

Half day tour (optional lunch)
There is colony of self-taught naïve painters at the Banat region village Kovacica (5 km from Belgrade). The artists are simple farming folk, who continue to fill the land, and their favorite themes are scenes from village life. The first farmer to take up a paintbrush was Martin Paluska and his example was soon followed by Jano Knjazovic, Jano Sokol and Martin Jonas. There are also women painters, notably Zuzana Halupova. These artists have had many exhibitions of their works, both group and individual and have received many awards at home and abroad. The tour usually includes visits to the homes of the artists, where many authentic artifacts of everyday village can be seen.
There is also a visit to the sales gallery. Not far away is the village of Uzdin, where ethnic Romanian village women also paint.

Morning visit to the monasteries Jazak and Sremska Ravanica. Tour continues to the town of Sremski Karlovci, tour of the town, three churches, the Metropolitan's Residence, high school, and other landmarks. Lunch on the Danube.
Afternoon, visit to the monasteries Grgeteg and Krusedol.

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Novi Sad, the largest city in the province of Vojvodina, is 75 km of Belgrade. 

 The Petrovaradin Fortress, situated on the bluffs overlooking the Danube River, is older than town. It was built on the foundations of an earlier Roman castum, with major construction taking place in two periods, from 1692 to 1728 and from 1753 to 1788. The fortress was so large (cover 112 hectars) and such an important stronghold that it became known as the Gibraltar of the Danube. Its military role ceased long ago, but it has since found a new lease of life as a popular attraction with museums, archives, artists, studios restaurants and a very unique hotel. During summertime music festival "Exit" is worldwide famous. Across the river on the left bank of the Danube grew up a settlement which in 1789 received the status of a free city. In grew into flourishing commercial centre of Serbia. In 1864, the Matica Srpska organization (founded in 1862 to promote the Serbian language and culture) moved to this Serbian Athens, as Novi Sad was called, complete with its art gallery, library and publishing house. Since 1861 has had a theatre, and many schools were opened in the years that followed. It is near the National Park of Fruška Gora Mountain, the beauty spot of Stražilovo and spot known as Iriški Venac. The park (25,000 hectars) is a chain of very old and heavily forested mountains. Tucked in the folds of the mountain are some 15 monasteries. They are known as new era and built in the 15th century, most often by monks fleeing before the advancing Turkish armies, forced to leave their own monasteries in Serbia. One of the best is know as Krušedol, whose original church built in the 16th century and is an example of Morava style, but with a bell tower and residence halls in the baroque style (18th century). The frescoes were painted between 16th and 18th centuries. The spires of the churches in the town of Karlovci seem to be weaving with the peaks of the mountain covered allover with vineyards.

Sremski Karlovci is a town-monument, first mentioned in 1308. In 1713, this town became the seat of the Serb Orthodox Metropolitan. There are three characteristic churches with exquisite iconostases. The orthodox cathedral, Saborna crkva, from 1758, whose iconostasis was painted by Teodor Kracun and Jakov Orfelin in 1780, Gornja crkva from 1746, whose iconostasis was painted by Dimitrije Bacevic, and the early 19th century Donja crkva, with an iconostasis done by Dimitrije Bratoglic in the period the church was constructed. One of the interesting sights in the city is the Chapel of Peace from 1699, the patriarchal residence, the oldest high school, etc.


Ever since the 5th and the 6th century, Serbian tribes have crossed the Sava and the Danube rivers, settling in the large area of Branicevo and Sumadija, as well as around high mountains overlooking the Adriatic Sea.
The Serbs adopted Christianity in the second part of the 8th century, while the first formal Serbian state was founded at the end of the 10th century under the rule of King Jovan Vladimir.
In the period between 1150 and 1168, Stefan Nemanja united all Serbian lands and established the large and powerful state of Raska, which marked the beginning of the period of flourishment of religion and sacral art under the protection of the high state and church dignitaries.
The period under the rule of the Turks partly discontinued this progress, which continued in the renewed Serbia until today.
Serbia has about 400 monasteries, while at least as many churches and as much church property have been placed under the protection of the state. Several Serbian monasteries are also under the protection of UNESCO (Studenica, Sopocani, Visoki Decani, Pecka Patrijarsija…)
When you approach the monasteries of Serbia, open the door and enter. You will see things in which Serbia is the richest country in Europe – the works of art which were long ago included in all world encyclopaedias as an artistic rarity – fresco painting, fascinating medieval paintings on the walls. The pictures on the monasteries' walls were made during the 12th, 13th, and 14th centuries, and they have magical powers. They turn their eyes towards you when you move, they follow and appease you, and at the same time they tell a monumental story about the Christendom and life of Medieval Serbia... They speak of the golden spoons which were already in use in Serbia in the 13th century at the time of King Stefan Prvovencani, and of the rise of the Serbian State during the reign of Emperor Dusan, who was proclaimed the Emperor of Serbs and Greeks in Skopje in 1346. Don't miss fresco paintings in the monastery of Sopocani (the Assumption of the Holy Virgin), Studenica (the Holy Cross, Miroslav's Gospel), Mileseva (the White Angel), Zica and Manasija, and especially the "outdoor museum" as Kosovo and Metohija are sometimes called – the place of the oldest Serbian churches, with the Patriarchate of Pec, Gracanica, Bogorodica Ljeviska and Visoki Decani, and the masterpieces of Byzantine painting of the 14th century.

The monastery Jazak was founded by despot Jovan Brankovic, towards the end of the 15th century. The church dates from 1736 to 1758. The paintings on the walls of the church date from two periods, 1761 and 1892-1899. The iconostasis is the work of the greatest national painter from the early Baroque era, Dimitrije Bacevic.
It is believed that the monastery Sremska Ravanica was founded by Prince Lazar, but it was first mentioned in 1566. The present church is from 1801 to 1811. The dominant feature of the church is its iconostasis, the work of the woodcarver, Marko Vujatovic and of the painter Dimitrije Avramovic, whose works date from the mid-19th century.

Monastery Grgeteg was founded by despot Vuk Brankovic in 1471. The present-day church is from 1771. The exceptional iconostasis was painted by the greatest modern day Serbian painter, Uros Predic in 1902. The monastery has a valuable library, the legacy of Ilarion Ruvarac, buried in the monastery in 1905. The privilege granted by Emperor Leopold I to vladika Isaija Djakovic in 1691 is kept in this monastery.

Monastery Krusedol is the most important Serb monastery across the rivers Sava and Danube. It is the legacy of the Holy Brankovic family from 1509. The reconstruction of the church, when it acquired its present appearance, was done from 1722 to 1746. The paintings on the walls are characteristic, and were done in two periods, in 1543 and in 1750. The iconostasis is a true work of art. The paintings were done by the Russian painters, Jon Vassilievich and Vasilije Romanovich, and by the Serbs, Vasa Ostojic and Stefan Tenecki, from 1745 to 1756. The tomb of the Brankovic family is in the church, and those of Arsenije III and Arsenije IV, King Milan, and Princess Ljubica Obrenovic.

This tour refers to a large group of monasteries (some 80-100) located close to the confluence of three rivers, the Southern Morava, the Western Morava, and the Great Morava. The monasteries, and this region in general are marked by a unique style of architecture and painting.

The Kalenic monastery was built in the period 1407-1410 and is one of the most abundantly ornamented monasteries of the "Moravska School" and Serbian architecture. The 14 rosettes of the façade make the exceptional plastic ornaments even more special. The monastery is the foundation of Bogdan, a highly ranked prelate of Prince Lazar and later of Despot Stefan. The fresco painting of the period of its construction suffered severe damages and was preserved due to its frequent restoration in the course of the centuries. Extremely valuable, its paintings might compare with the pieces of art of Andrei Rubliov who painted in Russia about a decade later. The "Wedding in Kana" ranks among special ones and is on the south wall.


The Manasija monastery is the legacy of despot Stefan Lazarevic.

Manasija, also known as Resava, is a Serb Orthodox monastery near Despotovac, Serbia, founded by Despot Stefan Lazarević between 1406 and 1418. It is one of the most significant monuments of medieval Serbian culture and it belongs to the “Morava school”. Immediately following its foundation, the monastery became the cultural centre of the Serbian Despotate. Its Resava school was well known for its manuscripts and translations throughout the 15th and 16th centuries, even after the fall of the Despotate to the Ottoman Turks. Manasija complex was declared Monument of Culture of Exceptional Importance in 1979, and it is protected by Republic of Serbia.

The monastery Sisojevac was completed in 1380; its founder and patron was the iguman of Hilandar - Sisoje Sinajit, whose vault is in the church (along the southern wall). The wall-paintings have been all but totally eradicated by destruction and fires. The iconostasis is a beautiful work of modern art.
The founder and patron of the Ravanica monastery was the saint and prince Lazar, in the eighth decade of 14th century. The remains of St. Lazar are in a casket in front of the altar. St. Lazar's younger son, Vuk and St Romilo Ravanicki are also buried in this church. The monastery suffered burning and damage in 1396, 1398, 1436, 1686 and towards the end of 18th century. The symbolic wall paintings were completed in 1392. The iconostasis dates from a later period and was created in the workshop of the famous Janja Moler. A contemporary document tells us that in 1459 the Turks carried away 12 camel-loads of riches "all gold and silver."

Lazarev grad, with the Lazarica church is located in the center of Krusevac and, along with the monument to the prince-saint, is a symbol of this city. The construction of the city and the church was finished between 1376 and 1378. The wall painting was subsequently destroyed in the burning and pillaging, while the iconostasis is a fine work dating from 1844. The monument to Prince Lazar was made in 1971 by the famous sculptor Nebojsa Mitric.
The Veluce monastery was founded by Despot Ivanis, who Emperor Dusan addressed as "parent." This might have been the middle of 14th century. Fresco painting started in the middle of 15th century, while the iconostasis might date back to the year 1834.

The Ljubostinja monastery was founded by Princess Milica, the widow of Prince Lazar in the period 1390-1398. In the Old Slavic language Ljubov–stinja means "place of love," as on this location, a fair has taken place where the couple met for the first time. Upon building the monastery and after her husband’s death, Milica became a nun and founded a large community of nuns consisting of widows whose husbands fought in the Battle of Kosovo. The fresco paintings date back to the period 1392-1403, while the iconostasis of the year 1820 presents a fine piece of work of the period of Classicism. In the church parvis, there are two neatly arranged reliquaries in the form of a sarcophagus, with the holy relics of Princess Milica (nun by the name of Eufrosinia, + year 1405) on the left side, while the body of the well-known and wretched poetess and caring court lady at the court of Princess Milica, Jelena (nun by the name of Jefimija) lies on the right side of the church. 
The Nova Pavlica monastery was built by brothers Stefan and Lazar Music, cousins of Prince Lazar, in the period 1381-1387. They died in the Battle of Kosovo on 28/15 June 1389 and were buried in this church. Later, their mother Dragana (nun by the name of Teodora) was buried there too. The frescoes were painted immediately upon building the church. However, the painting suffered partial damage in fires and devastations. A fine iconostasis was erected by well-known artists from Debar, in Macedonia. It was erected owing to St. Nikolaj Ziski Velimirovic and his funds.

The Gradac monastery was founded in 1275 as the foundation of Jelena Anzujska, spouse of King Uros I, owing to whom the strong influence of Gothic architecture. Also, it was the place of residence of St. Jelena. It is there that she became a nun after the burial of Uros and founded a hospital for the ill and a school for young women of Serbia. A crypt made of marble is in the monastery where the Holy Queen was buried. Fresco painting has been partially preserved, while the original iconostasis datesto the period of  construction. Its painting dates back to the period of around a decade.

The Sopocani monastery presents the world heritage and is under the protection of UNESCO. The fresco painting of the year 1270 presents the top achievement of the Byzantine painting as a whole and the "Komnen Renessaince" epoch. The monastery was built by King Uros, the grandson of Stefan Nemanja and the son of Stefan Prvovencani in 1263. The crypt contains his holy relics. Also, Ana Dandolo, his mother from a well-known family from Venice was buried there.

The Djurdjevi Stupovi monastery present the first monumental building in the region of Ras, founded by St. Stefan Nemanja (Mirotocivi) in the year 1170. He is the ruler who united all Serbian tribes and established the first Serbian state in Ras in 1168. The church was magnificent, while the monastery itself was built on a hill with a wonderful view of whole Raska region. The monastery and the church suffered quite a few severe damages. However, nowadays extensive restoration work with substantial funds invested has been going on for the purpose of obtaining the original look.

Tradition has it that Petrova church was founded in the 1st century A.D. by Apostle Tit, the disciple of Apostle Pavle. It is considered to be the oldest Orthodox church preserved on the territory of Serbia. Stefan Nemanja was baptized in it and also abdicated in the year 1197. The interior of the church is decorated with fragmented three-layered paintings from the period 10th-13th century.

The Studenica monastery has been a monastery of greatest significance.
Ever since the year 1183 when founded,  It is the foundation of Stefan Nemanja, the Great district prefect of that period. Earlier frescoes date back from the year 1209 and with the "Great Crucifix" on the western wall present the peak of European painting of the said period. The church was painted for the second time in 1569 and the paintings of that period are of exceptional significance for Serbian art. The iconostasis is an excellent piece of art dating back to the year 1837, with wood carvings and icon paintings by Zivko Pavlovic. Reliquary with the holy relics of Stefan Nemanja (Mirotocivi), Stefan Prvovencani (Monk Simeon) and the spouse of Nemanja and mother of Prvovencani, Ana (nun Anastasia) are in the church. Although suffering major devastations, the church lodgings abound in treasures.

The Zica monastery was founded by the sons of Stefan Nemanja, Stefan Prvovencani and St. Sava in the period 1208-1212. When the Serbian archbishopric became independent in 1219, the monastery became the seat of the Serbian church and from that time on, all Serbian rulers were crowned there. Due to the invasion of the Mongols in 1253, the seat of the church moved to Pec on Kosovo and Metohija. Frescoes date from two periods (the year 1220 and 1310) and are of great value. Unfortunately, almost all frescoes and icons, as well as the extremely valuable treasures were lost in numerous devastations and fires. Nowadays, there are hundreds of icon painters workshops in the regions inhabited by Serbs, but the one in the Zica monastery is the most significant of all.


The Resavska Cave lies in the eastern Serbia in the vicinity of the town of Despotovac. It is the first cave to be prepared for visits in Serbia. The length of the cave totals to 2,850 meters and the tourist paths is 800 m long. The air temperature is 14 0C and the average humidity 75%-80%. The Resava Cave consists of three floors of passages and halls connected by artificial tunnels and decorated by pillars and coral-like calcite deposits in various colours. Only parts of the first and second floors (Upper and Lower Gallery) have been prepared for visits. An underground river flows through the lowest floor (Third Gallery). The visitor to Resava can tour its numerous halls with different cave ornaments of various shapes and colors. http://www.resavskapecina.rs 

The waterfall Lisine (Veliki Buk) is about 10 minutes ride from the Resava cave. It is over 20 meters high, and is one of the highest waterfalls in Serbia. The abundance of water in spring makes it a beautiful scenery to enjoy in, though you can enjoy in it in the summer as well. It is protected as the natural monument.


Of all the present day countries that made up the Roman Empire, only in Italy more emperors were born than in Serbia. It is believed that such a large number of Roman emperors in late Antiquity were born in Serbia, an unusual part of the empire, because this is where the old idea about virtues of individuals who acquire glory and from peasants become great soldiers was affirmed. This was achieved at a dozen sites in Serbia, which today, experts assess, are an interesting tourist offer, which testify to the period of Roman emperors.

The project In the Footsteps of Roman Emperors is 600km long, from Sirmium to Sarkamen. Sirmium, today’s Sremska Mitrovica, is one of the four Roman capitals, known for a magnificent race track, and in order to completely excavate it, two city blocks would need to be leveled. The Roman emperors Trajan, Decius, Aurelian, Probus, Maximian Hercules, Constantine II were all born in Sirmium. These are the so-called Pannonian emperors. They all lived short lives, but Aurelian and Probus left deep marks: the first minted money with symbols of architecture of Sirmium, while Probus is mentioned still today as the founder of vine growing. It is owing to him, that the first vines were planted outside of Italy, on the slopes of Fruska Gora, near Sirmium.

VIMINACIUM - Drmno - Kostolac

Viminacium was the capital of the Roman province of Upper Moesia and the legionary camp which recruited the most elite Roman troops. Tourists that visit this site are welcomed by soldiers dressed as Ancient Romans, wine is drunk from replicas of Roman goblets and children are introduced to a video game entitled The Secret of the Emperor’s Death. Trajan passed through here, and Hadrian bestowed the status of a city on Viminacium.

Viminacium was devastated and destroyed in the middle of the 5th century, and it remained forgotten and buried like Pompeii, which disappeared under a flood of lava from Vesuvius in 79 A.D.. That analogy and the recognition that the remains of the Roman town and the military camp represent a site of exceptional interest explains why Viminacium has been called the Balkan Pompeii.

All the legionary camps and Roman towns lie under modern agglomerations today - Londinum lies under the present London, Novaesium under Neuss, Castra Regina under Regensburg, Mogontiacum under Meinz, Mediolanum under Milan, Emona under Ljubljana, Aquincum under Budapest - and that fact makes excavation difficult. What distinguishes Viminacium from other archaeological sites and makes it particularly important is the exceptional wealth of finds contained already in its surface, arable layer. As a result, more than 13.500 graves have been explored in the past twenty-five years and more than 32.000 finds have been deposited in the vaults of the Museum.

Felix Romuliana - Gamzigrad

Felix Romuliana is one of the biggest and most preserved Roman structures in Europe, under UNESCO protection. This is a Roman town in eastern Serbia, where the Roman Emperor Galerius was born in the 3 century AD, who dedicated the imperial palace to his mother Romula.
There are traces of Roman emperors at several locations along the Danube. In Kladovo, there is Diana, the most important Roman fortification built by Trajan, at the same time when canals were being dug to provide the security of navigation on the Danube. There are also the remains of Trajan’s bridge, a wonder of stone from the beginning of the 2 century AD, which represents the first victory of man over water in history.


The suburb of Roman Naissus, present day Nis, was Mediana which still has remains of the residence of Constantine the Great, the emperor that considered having it as his capital. In any case, this is where the emperor had signed a dozen important laws. Constantine III and Claudius II Gothicus were both born in Naissus.A ruler who had come to the throne by chance and not his own doing was Maximinus Daia, son of Galerius’s sister. Born near the site known to archeologists as Sarkamen, he was remembered as an unsuccessful military strategist. And the only Roman emperor from Belgrade was the Emperor Jovian, who left nothing behind but metal coins.
The project of the Ministry of Culture, In the Footsteps of Roman Emperors through Serbia is aimed at informing tourists about the history of Ancient Rome, as well as their everyday life. The organizer of the program is the Ministry of Culture, while the actors will be the tourists themselves.

 EMPRESS' TOWN - Leskovac

The magnificent Caricin Grad (Justiniana Prima, The Empress’ Town) was situated 7 km far from today’s town of Lebane, in southern Serbia. The Empress’s Town was built in the 6th century by the powerful and wise Byzantine emperor Justinijan I, who was born in that area. The famous Justinian was one of the 17 Roman emperors born in the territory of today’s Serbia. He ruled the Byzantine Empire for 38 years and was remembered for his efforts to restore and strengthen the Eastern Christian Empire, for his revision of Roman law (Corpus iuris civilis), part of which, Codex Justinianus, was named after him. He was also known for the infinite love he felt for his wife, the beautiful and ambitious Empress Theodora. No less love did he feel towards the magnificent town he built in his homeland, at the foot of the Radan Mountain, where he was born around 485, as Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Justinianus. It was in that town in today’s Serbia that Christianity in the Balkans was established. Justinian was proclaimed saint and the Serbian Orthodox Church celebrates his day in November.


SARGANSKA OSMICA / SARGAN EIGHT - Narrow gauge railroad

2. 4. 2012.

Belgrade City Tours and Serbia daily Excursions

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Every tour can be arranged independently in order to meet specific requirements of our clients.
What makes us different - we charge only for transport and tourist guide expenses - all other services can be paid on spot. However, client will be informed about rates in desired hotels, restaurants and additional services, though we will provide ALL INCLUSIVE SERVICE.

Oplenac- Topola The Mausoleum of The Serbian Royal Family
Novi Sad sightseeing (Fruska Gora monasteries, Sremski Karlovci, Visit to the typical Cottage / Homestead, Petrovaradin fortress, City of Novi Sad)
Danube route: Viminacium Archaeological Site, Ceremosnja Cave Golubac, Djerdap National Park, Lepenski Vir Archaeological Site and Danube Gorge)
,/ Resava Cave,  Smederevo fortress
Monastery tour A - 2 days
Zica, Studenica, Sopocani, Djurdjevi Stupovi, Zlatibor - Tara - Ethno Village Mecavnik, Mokra Gora, Cira-narrow gauged railroad -Shargan Eight; Visit to the old bridge in Visegrad
Monastery tour B 2-3 days
Monasteries Kalenic, Ravanica and Manasija, Resava cave, Central Serbia / Oplenac - Royal mauseleum, Zica Monastery, Vrnjacka banja|Spa, Morava River, Ethno Village Latkovac
Southern Serbia - 2 days
Pirot klim (rug) Visit to the traditional style production), Mediana Archaeological site, Sicevo Gorge, Monastery Poganovo or Lipovac, Sokobanja spa

Bosnia and Hercegovina, Sarajevo daily excursions
Daily trip to Sarajevo, visit to the most significant localities in town, unforgettable time spent on Bascarsija, including enjoyment in mixture of traditional and oriental cuisine
Visit to Mostar and old bridge (optional)
Day 1 - Eastern Serbia / Danube route
Day 2 - South-Eastern Serbia
Day 3 - Kotor Bay, Budva, Sveti Stefan
Day 4-7 Dubrovnik - Mostar - Sarajevo
Day 8 - Mokra Gora, Shargan Eight
Day 9 - Zlatibor, Tara, Return to Belgrade

Travel recomandation

Air conditioned comfort while we drive you to your chosen destinations.
For the best rate you can get in Serbia, we offer a multi-day tours.
Please contact us with any requests; we will be delighted to help.
Day 1: Eastern Serbia
Ceremosnja Cave / Resavska Cave
Djerdap National Park, Lepenski Vir Archaeological Site and Danube Gorge
Gamzigrad -Felix Romuliana - Ancient Roman City - archaeological site in Zajecar
Overnight in Niska Banja
Day 2/3 South-Central and Western Serbia
Sicevo Gorge, Mediana Archaeological site
Monasteries Djurdjevi Stupovi, Sopocani , Studenica, Zica ....
Shargan Eight - narrow gauged railway in Zlatibor region;
Overnight in Mokra Gora or Zlatibor
Sirogojno Etno Village
Potpec Cave
Wooden Town - Mecavnik
Ride to Novi Sad
Day 4 Northern Serbia - Vojvodina Province
Typical Homestead in Vojvodina province - various activities (fishing, hunting, excursions)
Day 5 Fruska Gora Monasteries
Novi Sad Sightseeing, Sremski Karlovci, Monasteries N.Hopovo, Grgeteg


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